




constructor(json?: Partial<AuthConfig>)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
json Partial<AuthConfig> Yes


Public Optional checkOrigin
Default value : false

Blocks other origins requesting a silent refresh

Public Optional clearHashAfterLogin
Default value : true

Defines whether to clear the hash fragment after logging in.

Public Optional clientId
Type : string
Default value : ''

The client's id as registered with the auth server

Public Optional clockSkewInSec
Type : number

The window of time (in seconds) to allow the current time to deviate when validating id_token's iat and exp values.

Public Optional customQueryParams
Type : object
Default value : null

Map with additional query parameter that are appended to the request when initializing implicit flow.

Public Optional customTokenParameters
Type : string[]
Default value : []

Names of known parameters sent out in the TokenResponse.

Public Optional decreaseExpirationBySec
Type : number
Default value : 0

Decreases the Expiration time of tokens by this number of seconds

Public Optional disableAtHashCheck
Default value : false

This property has been introduced to disable at_hash checks and is indented for Identity Provider that does not deliver an at_hash EVEN THOUGH its recommended by the OIDC specs. Of course, when disabling these checks then we are bypassing a security check which means we are more vulnerable.

Public Optional disableIdTokenTimer
Default value : false

Allows to disable the timer for the id_token used for token refresh

Public Optional disablePKCE
Default value : false

Code Flow is by defauld used together with PKCI which is also higly recommented. You can disbale it here by setting this flag to true.

Public Optional dummyClientSecret
Type : string
Default value : ''

Some auth servers don't allow using password flow w/o a client secret while the standards do not demand for it. In this case, you can set a password here. As this password is exposed to the public it does not bring additional security and is therefore as good as using no password.

Public Optional fallbackAccessTokenExpirationTimeInSec
Type : number

According to rfc6749 it is recommended (but not required) that the auth server exposes the access_token's life time in seconds. This is a fallback value for the case this value is not exposed.

Public Optional issuer
Type : string
Default value : ''

The issuer's uri.

Public Optional jwks
Type : object
Default value : null

JSON Web Key Set ( with keys used to validate received id_tokens. This is taken out of the disovery document. Can be set manually too.

Public Optional loginUrl
Type : string
Default value : ''

The auth server's endpoint that allows to log the user in when using implicit flow.

Public Optional logoutUrl
Type : string
Default value : ''

The logout url.

Public Optional nonceStateSeparator
Type : string
Default value : ';'

final state sent to issuer is built as follows: state = nonce + nonceStateSeparator + additional state Default separator is ';' (encoded %3B). In rare cases, this character might be forbidden or inconvenient to use by the issuer so it can be customized.

Public Optional oidc
Default value : true

Defines whether to use OpenId Connect during implicit flow.

Public Optional openUri
Type : function
Default value : () => {...}

This property allows you to override the method that is used to open the login url, allowing a way for implementations to specify their own method of routing to new urls.

Public Optional options
Type : any
Default value : null
Public Optional postLogoutRedirectUri
Type : string
Default value : ''

An optional second redirectUri where the auth server redirects the user to after logging out.

Public Optional preserveRequestedRoute
Default value : false

Set this to true to preserve the requested route including query parameters after code flow login. This setting enables deep linking for the code flow.

Public Optional redirectUri
Type : string
Default value : ''

The client's redirectUri as registered with the auth server

Public Optional redirectUriAsPostLogoutRedirectUriFallback
Default value : true

Defines whether to use 'redirectUri' as a replacement of 'postLogoutRedirectUri' if the latter is not set.

Public Optional requestAccessToken
Default value : true

Defines whether to request an access token during implicit flow.

Public Optional requireHttps
Type : boolean | "remoteOnly"
Default value : 'remoteOnly'

Defines whether https is required. The default value is remoteOnly which only allows http for localhost, while every other domains need to be used with https.

Public Optional resource
Type : string
Default value : ''
Public Optional responseType
Type : string
Default value : ''
Public Optional revocationEndpoint
Type : string
Default value : null

Url of the revocation endpoint as defined by OpenId Connect and OAuth 2.

Public Optional rngUrl
Type : string
Default value : ''
Public Optional scope
Type : string
Default value : 'openid profile'

The requested scopes

Public Optional sessionCheckIFrameName
Type : string
Default value : 'angular-oauth-oidc-check-session-iframe'

Name of the iframe to use for session checks

Public Optional sessionCheckIFrameUrl
Type : string
Default value : null

Url for the iframe used for session checks

Public Optional sessionCheckIntervall
Default value : 3 * 1000

Interval in msec for checking the session according to

Public Optional sessionChecksEnabled
Default value : false

If true, the lib will try to check whether the user is still logged in on a regular basis as described in

Public Optional showDebugInformation
Default value : false

Defines whether additional debug information should be shown at the console. Note that in certain browsers the verbosity of the console needs to be explicitly set to include Debug level messages.

Public Optional silentRefreshIFrameName
Type : string
Default value : 'angular-oauth-oidc-silent-refresh-iframe'
Public Optional silentRefreshMessagePrefix
Type : string
Default value : ''
Public Optional silentRefreshRedirectUri
Type : string
Default value : ''

The redirect uri used when doing silent refresh.

Public Optional silentRefreshShowIFrame
Default value : false

Set this to true to display the iframe used for silent refresh for debugging.

Public Optional silentRefreshTimeout
Type : number
Default value : 1000 * 20

Timeout for silent refresh.

Public Optional skipIssuerCheck
Default value : false

Defined whether to skip the validation of the issuer in the discovery document. Normally, the discovey document's url starts with the url of the issuer.

Public Optional skipSubjectCheck
Default value : false

Defines wether to check the subject of a refreshed token after silent refresh. Normally, it should be the same as before.

Public Optional strictDiscoveryDocumentValidation
Default value : true

Defines whether every url provided by the discovery document has to start with the issuer's url.

Public Optional timeoutFactor
Type : number
Default value : 0.75

Defines when the token_timeout event should be raised. If you set this to the default value 0.75, the event is triggered after 75% of the token's life time.

Public Optional tokenEndpoint
Type : string
Default value : null

Url of the token endpoint as defined by OpenId Connect and OAuth 2.

Public Optional useHttpBasicAuth
Default value : false

Set this to true to use HTTP BASIC auth for AJAX calls

Public Optional useIdTokenHintForSilentRefresh
Default value : false
Public Optional userinfoEndpoint
Type : string
Default value : null

Url of the userinfo endpoint as defined by OpenId Connect.

Public Optional useSilentRefresh

Set this to true if you want to use silent refresh together with code flow. As silent refresh is the only option for refreshing with implicit flow, you don't need to explicitly turn it on in this case.

Public Optional waitForTokenInMsec
Type : number
Default value : 0

The interceptors waits this time span if there is no token

export class AuthConfig {
   * The client's id as registered with the auth server
  public clientId? = '';

   * The client's redirectUri as registered with the auth server
  public redirectUri? = '';

   * An optional second redirectUri where the auth server
   * redirects the user to after logging out.
  public postLogoutRedirectUri? = '';

   * Defines whether to use 'redirectUri' as a replacement
   * of 'postLogoutRedirectUri' if the latter is not set.
  public redirectUriAsPostLogoutRedirectUriFallback? = true;

   * The auth server's endpoint that allows to log
   * the user in when using implicit flow.
  public loginUrl? = '';

   * The requested scopes
  public scope? = 'openid profile';

  public resource? = '';

  public rngUrl? = '';

   * Defines whether to use OpenId Connect during
   * implicit flow.
  public oidc? = true;

   * Defines whether to request an access token during
   * implicit flow.
  public requestAccessToken? = true;

  public options?: any = null;

   * The issuer's uri.
  public issuer? = '';

   * The logout url.
  public logoutUrl? = '';

   * Defines whether to clear the hash fragment after logging in.
  public clearHashAfterLogin? = true;

   * Url of the token endpoint as defined by OpenId Connect and OAuth 2.
  public tokenEndpoint?: string = null;

   * Url of the revocation endpoint as defined by OpenId Connect and OAuth 2.
  public revocationEndpoint?: string = null;

   * Names of known parameters sent out in the TokenResponse.
  public customTokenParameters?: string[] = [];

   * Url of the userinfo endpoint as defined by OpenId Connect.
  public userinfoEndpoint?: string = null;

  public responseType? = '';

   * Defines whether additional debug information should
   * be shown at the console. Note that in certain browsers
   * the verbosity of the console needs to be explicitly set
   * to include Debug level messages.
  public showDebugInformation? = false;

   * The redirect uri used when doing silent refresh.
  public silentRefreshRedirectUri? = '';

  public silentRefreshMessagePrefix? = '';

   * Set this to true to display the iframe used for
   * silent refresh for debugging.
  public silentRefreshShowIFrame? = false;

   * Timeout for silent refresh.
   * @internal
   * @deprecated use silentRefreshTimeout
  public siletRefreshTimeout?: number = 1000 * 20;

   * Timeout for silent refresh.
  public silentRefreshTimeout?: number = 1000 * 20;

   * Some auth servers don't allow using password flow
   * w/o a client secret while the standards do not
   * demand for it. In this case, you can set a password
   * here. As this password is exposed to the public
   * it does not bring additional security and is therefore
   * as good as using no password.
  public dummyClientSecret?: string = '';

   * Defines whether https is required.
   * The default value is remoteOnly which only allows
   * http for localhost, while every other domains need
   * to be used with https.
  public requireHttps?: boolean | 'remoteOnly' = 'remoteOnly';

   * Defines whether every url provided by the discovery
   * document has to start with the issuer's url.
  public strictDiscoveryDocumentValidation? = true;

   * JSON Web Key Set (
   * with keys used to validate received id_tokens.
   * This is taken out of the disovery document. Can be set manually too.
  public jwks?: object = null;

   * Map with additional query parameter that are appended to
   * the request when initializing implicit flow.
  public customQueryParams?: object = null;

  public silentRefreshIFrameName? = 'angular-oauth-oidc-silent-refresh-iframe';

   * Defines when the token_timeout event should be raised.
   * If you set this to the default value 0.75, the event
   * is triggered after 75% of the token's life time.
  public timeoutFactor? = 0.75;

   * If true, the lib will try to check whether the user
   * is still logged in on a regular basis as described
   * in
  public sessionChecksEnabled? = false;

   * Interval in msec for checking the session
   * according to
  public sessionCheckIntervall? = 3 * 1000;

   * Url for the iframe used for session checks
  public sessionCheckIFrameUrl?: string = null;

   * Name of the iframe to use for session checks
  public sessionCheckIFrameName? = 'angular-oauth-oidc-check-session-iframe';

   * This property has been introduced to disable at_hash checks
   * and is indented for Identity Provider that does not deliver
   * an at_hash EVEN THOUGH its recommended by the OIDC specs.
   * Of course, when disabling these checks then we are bypassing
   * a security check which means we are more vulnerable.
  public disableAtHashCheck? = false;

   * Defines wether to check the subject of a refreshed token after silent refresh.
   * Normally, it should be the same as before.
  public skipSubjectCheck? = false;

  public useIdTokenHintForSilentRefresh? = false;

   * Defined whether to skip the validation of the issuer in the discovery document.
   * Normally, the discovey document's url starts with the url of the issuer.
  public skipIssuerCheck? = false;

   * According to rfc6749 it is recommended (but not required) that the auth
   * server exposes the access_token's life time in seconds.
   * This is a fallback value for the case this value is not exposed.
  public fallbackAccessTokenExpirationTimeInSec?: number;

   * final state sent to issuer is built as follows:
   * state = nonce + nonceStateSeparator + additional state
   * Default separator is ';' (encoded %3B).
   * In rare cases, this character might be forbidden or inconvenient to use by the issuer so it can be customized.
  public nonceStateSeparator? = ';';

   * Set this to true to use HTTP BASIC auth for AJAX calls
  public useHttpBasicAuth? = false;

   * The window of time (in seconds) to allow the current time to deviate when validating id_token's iat and exp values.
  public clockSkewInSec?: number;

   * Decreases the Expiration time of tokens by this number of seconds
  public decreaseExpirationBySec? = 0;

   * The interceptors waits this time span if there is no token
  public waitForTokenInMsec? = 0;

   * Set this to true if you want to use silent refresh together with
   * code flow. As silent refresh is the only option for refreshing
   * with implicit flow, you don't need to explicitly turn it on in
   * this case.
  public useSilentRefresh?;

   * Code Flow is by defauld used together with PKCI which is also higly recommented.
   * You can disbale it here by setting this flag to true.
  public disablePKCE? = false;

   * Set this to true to preserve the requested route including query parameters after code flow login.
   * This setting enables deep linking for the code flow.
  public preserveRequestedRoute? = false;

   * Allows to disable the timer for the id_token used
   * for token refresh
  public disableIdTokenTimer? = false;

   * Blocks other origins requesting a silent refresh
  public checkOrigin? = false;

  constructor(json?: Partial<AuthConfig>) {
    if (json) {
      Object.assign(this, json);

   * This property allows you to override the method that is used to open the login url,
   * allowing a way for implementations to specify their own method of routing to new
   * urls.
  public openUri?: (uri: string) => void = (uri) => {
    location.href = uri;

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