Refreshing a Token using Code Flow (not Implicit Flow!)

When using code flow, you can get an refresh_token. While the original standard DOES NOT allow this for SPAs, the mentioned OAuth 2.0 Security Best Current Practice document proposes to ease this limitation. However, it specifies a list of requirements one should take care about before using refresh_tokens. Please make sure you respect those requirements.

Please also note, that you have to request the offline_access scope to get a refresh token.

To refresh your token, just call the refreshToken method:


Automatically refreshing a token when/ before it expires (Code Flow and Implicit Flow)

To automatically refresh a token when/ some time before it expires, just call the following method after configuring the OAuthService:


By default, this event is fired after 75% of the token's life time is over. You can adjust this factor by setting the property timeoutFactor to a value between 0 and 1. For instance, 0.5 means, that the event is fired after half of the life time is over and 0.33 triggers the event after a third.

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